Our children are a blessing and we take their development seriously


Trinity Kids

Our children are a blessing and we take their development seriously. This occurs through active engagement in the worship service, thoughtful programing, and meaningful relationships. During the sermon, children are invited to participate in our nursery, toddler room, and school age classrooms.


Sunday Morning Check–in

If your joining us with kids on Sunday, we ask that you check-in your child early online. This is a huge help to our Trinity Kids team and keeps things running smoothly on Sunday mornings.



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Sunday Morning Rooms


Nursery Room

Embracing our infants’ needs for love, care, and security. This room is a space devoted to prayer and communicating the welcoming love of God to our smallest members. For infants, up until they begin walking.


Toddler Room

Embracing our toddlers’ need for connection, play, and story. This room gives our little ones lots of space to make friends and have fun, as well as an opportunity to sit for a short Bible story that puts Jesus on center stage.

TrinityKids Church

PreK—K & 1st—3rd

Engaging our young students’ imagination, curiosity, and growing personalities. These classrooms use the God’s Big Story curriculum to expand our students’ knowledge of the Bible and teach them how to respond to God’s Word in two unique and age appropriate formats.


4th & 5th Grade Room

Engaging our older students’ desire for knowledge, growing faith, and burgeoning independence. This classroom uses the New City Catechism curriculum to drive the core teachings of the Christian faith deep into the minds and hearts of our students, as well as a Bible overview curriculum to help them understand the whole scope of the Word of God and how it always points us to Jesus.



Have a question about Trinity Kids? Email us.


Volunteer with Trinity Kids.